WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                AMENDMENT NO. 1


                                   Form 8-K

                                Current Report

               Filed pursuant to Section 12, 13 or 15(d) of the
                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                             HATHAWAY CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Exact name of registrant as specified in Charter)

The undersigned registrant hereby amends the following items, financial
statements, exhibits or other portions of its current report on Form 8-K dated
October 10, 1996 as set forth in the pages attached hereto:

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits

          a.   Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired
               Tate Integrated Systems
               --  Report of Independent Public Accountants
               --  Combined Balance Sheet as of May 31, 1996
               --  Combined Statement of Operations for the year ended May 31,
               --  Combined Statement of Changes in Stockholders' Deficit for 
                   the year ended May 31, 1996
               --  Combined Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended May 31,
               --  Notes to Combined Financial Statements

          b.   Pro Forma Financial Information
               Hathaway Corporation
               --  Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statement of Operations for 
                   the year ended June 30, 1996
               --  Pro Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet as of June 30, 
               --  Notes to Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this amendment to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                        HATHAWAY  CORPORATION

Date:      December 20, 1996            By:    /s/ Richard D. Smith
       -------------------------            ---------------------------
                                        Executive Vice President, Treasurer and
                                        Chief Financial and Accounting Officer

                            TATE INTEGRATED SYSTEMS

                         COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               AS OF MAY 31, 1996
                            TOGETHER WITH REPORT OF


To Hathaway Corporation:

We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheet of Tate Integrated
Systems, Inc. (a Maryland corporation) and Tate Integrated Systems, L.P. (a
Delaware partnership) (collectively referred to as "Tate Integrated Systems") as
of May 31, 1996, and the related combined statements of operations, changes in
stockholders' deficit and cash flows for the year then ended.  These financial
statements are the responsibility of Tate Integrated Systems' management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these combined financial statements
based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Tate Integrated
Systems as of May 31, 1996, and the results of their operations and their cash
flows for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting


Baltimore, Maryland,
 December 19, 1996

                            TATE INTEGRATED SYSTEMS

                             COMBINED BALANCE SHEET

                               AS OF MAY 31, 1996
 Cash                                     $     3,820
 Accounts receivable, net of allowance
  for doubtful accounts of $67,000          1,240,111
 Costs and estimated earnings in excess
  of billings on uncompleted contracts      1,076,585
 Prepaid expenses and other                    66,841
     Total current assets                   2,387,357

PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net                    69,830
     Total assets                         $ 2,457,187
 Accounts payable                         $   481,803
 Accrued liabilities                          277,930
 Current portion of deferred revenue          603,000
 Related party advances                     3,643,464
     Total current liabilities              5,006,197
DEFERRED REVENUE                            1,059,000
     Total liabilities                      6,065,197
 Common stock, $1.00 par value, 100,000
  shares authorized; 100 shares issued
  and outstanding                                 100
 Additional paid-in capital                       900
 Accumulated deficit                       (3,609,010)
     Total stockholders' deficit           (3,608,010)
     Total liabilities and             
      stockholder's deficit               $ 2,457,187

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of this combined balance sheet.

                            TATE INTEGRATED SYSTEMS


                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED MAY 31, 1996

REVENUES                             $4,904,650
COST OF PRODUCTS SOLD                 3,951,528
     Gross profit                       953,122
 Selling                                492,041
 General and administrative             217,491
 Corporation allocations                197,436
     Total operating expenses           906,968
     Income from operations              46,154
 Interest expense                      (291,938)
 Other                                   (2,900)
     Other income (expense), net       (294,838)
     Net loss                        $ (248,684)

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of this combined statement.

                            TATE INTEGRATED SYSTEMS


                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED MAY 31, 1996

                                 Additional                     Total     
                         Common   Paid-In     Accumulated   Stockholders' 
                         Stock    Capital       Deficit        Deficit    
                         ------  ----------  -------------  -------------- 
BALANCE, MAY 31, 1995      $100        $900   $(3,360,326)    $(3,359,326)
  Net loss                    -           -      (248,684)       (248,684)
                           ----        ----   -----------     -----------
BALANCE, MAY 31, 1996      $100        $900   $(3,609,010)    $(3,608,010)
                           ====        ====   ===========     ===========

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of this combined statement.

                            TATE INTEGRATED SYSTEMS


                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED MAY 31, 1996

  Net loss                                $ (248,684)
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to
   net cash
   from operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization              56,308
   Provision for doubtful accounts           (55,000)
  Changes in assets and liabilities:
   (Increase) decrease in-
     Accounts receivable                   1,885,100
     Costs and estimated earnings in
      excess of billings on
      uncompleted contracts                 (515,951)
     Prepaid expenses and other              (18,298)

   Increase (decrease) in-
     Accounts payable                        236,655
     Accrued liabilities                    (994,347)
     Deferred revenue                       (300,000)
       Net cash flows from operating          45,783
        activities                        ----------
  Purchases of property and equipment        (11,918)
       Net cash flows from investing     
        activities                           (11,918)
  Net repayment of related party         
   advances                                  (65,426)
       Net cash flows from financing      ---------- 
        activities                           (65,426)
NET DECREASE IN CASH                         (31,561)
CASH, beginning of year                       35,381
CASH, end of year                         $    3,820
  Interest                                $  291,938

    The accompanying notes are an integral part  of this combined statement.

                            TATE INTEGRATED SYSTEMS


                                  MAY 31, 1996


Basis of Presentation
- ---------------------

The accompanying combined financial statements present the accounts of Tate
Integrated Systems, Inc. and Tate Integrated System, L.P..  The combined
entities are collectively referred to herein as Tate Integrated Systems (the
Company).  Tate Integrated Systems, Inc. has no significant operations other
than its investment in Tate Integrated Systems, L.P. whose operations include
the integration of proprietary software with third-party hardware, plus custom
programming and engineering services.

There are no significant intercompany balances or transactions between the
combined entities which would require elimination.

Property and Equipment
- ----------------------

Property and equipment, is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and, is
classified as follows:
                                              Useful    May 31,
                                               Life       1996
                                              -------  ----------
    Furniture and fixtures                    5 years  $  20,175
    Machinery and equipment                   5 years      4,455
    Leasehold improvements                    5 years     15,498
    Data processing equipment                 3 years    246,776
    Less:  Accumulated depreciation and                  286,904
     amortization                                       (217,074)
                                                       $  69,830
Depreciation and amortization are provided using the straight-line method over
the estimated useful life of the assets.

Research and Development
- ------------------------

Research and development costs are expensed as incurred.  Software development
costs that would be capitalizable under SFAS No. 86, "Accounting for the Costs
of Computer Software to be Sold, Leased or Otherwise Marketed," are not


Income Taxes
- ------------

As of May 31, 1996, the Company had a net operating loss carryforward of
approximately $3,600,000 to reduce Federal taxable income which expires through
May 31, 2011.  A deferred tax asset of approximately $1,402,000 exists as of May
31, 1996, primarily due to the net operating loss carryforward for which the
Company has provided a full valuation allowance due to the uncertainty about the
future realization of this tax benefit.  The use of this net operating loss may
be limited due to the change in ownership described in Note 7.

Use of Estimates
- ----------------

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses in the
financial statements and in the disclosures of contingent assets and
liabilities.  While actual results could differ from those estimates, management
believes that actual results will not be materially different from amounts
provided in the accompanying financial statements.


The Company undertakes contracts for the installation of turnkey software
systems which include software modification used to monitor and control
industrial applications.  Based upon the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants' Statement of Position 91-1, "Software Revenue Recognition," the
Company recognizes contract revenues and costs by applying the percentage of
completion achieved, calculated as described below, to the total contract sales
price and estimated costs.  Costs and estimated earnings in excess of billings
for uncompleted contracts represent the value of work performed under these
contracts which has not been billed.

The Company determines the percentage of completion for all contracts using the
"cost-to-cost" method of measuring contract progress.  Under this method, actual
contract costs incurred to date are compared to total estimated contract costs
to determine the estimated percentage of revenues to be recognized.  Provisions
for estimated losses on uncompleted contracts, to the full extent of the loss,
is made during the period in which the Company first becomes aware that a loss
on a contract is probable.

Revenues related to customer support agreements in which the Company has a basis
for determining the value of the services are deferred and recognized ratably
over the term of the respective agreements--usually one year.  As of May 31,
1996, deferred revenue related to one-year support agreements totaled
approximately $218,000.

Revenues from direct sales of the Company's TIS 4000 software licenses with
customers that contain support agreements in which the value of the support
services is not determinable are recognized over the estimated five-year
economic benefit period of the support agreement.  As of May 31, 1996, the
Company had one software license sale (see Note 6), in which deferred revenue of
approximately $1,444,000 is recognized over the expected service period of five
years.  For the year ended May 31, 1996, the Company recognized $385,000 of
revenue associated with this sale.



Costs incurred to date, estimated earnings and the related progress billings to
date on contracts in progress are as follows:
                                           Year Ended
                                          May 31, 1996
Costs incurred to date                     $ 5,371,170
Estimated earnings                             808,534
Revenue recognized                           6,179,704
Progress billings to date                   (5,103,119)
                                           $ 1,076,585
The above is included in the accompanying combined balance sheet, as follows:
                                           Year Ended
                                          May 31, 1996
Costs and estimated earnings in excess
 of billings on uncompleted contracts      $ 1,076,585
Billings in excess of costs and
 estimated earnings on uncompleted       
 contracts                                           -
                                           $ 1,076,585


- --------

Tate Engineering Services Corporation (TES), a related entity, has advanced the
Company funds to be used as working capital.  These advances bear interest at
the same rate charged to TES, which was 9.25% at May 31, 1996.  Interest expense
paid to TES for the year ended May 31, 1996, totaled $291,938.  The average
outstanding balance on this advance was $3,134,885 and the highest and lowest
balance during fiscal year 1996 was $3,927,304 and $2,453,269, respectively.
Substantially all of the Company's assets are pledged as collateral under the
debt agreement between TES and the bank.  This advance was paid off subsequent
to year-end in connection with the sale of the Company described in Note 7.

Advances bear interest at rates that approximate market rates available to the
Company and the amount is payable on demand; therefore, carrying amount
approximates fair value as of May 31, 1996.

Corporate Allocations
- ---------------------

TES allocates certain administrative expenses to the Company.  These charges,
which totaled $197,436 for the year ended May 31, 1996, primarily include the
Company's share of accounting, human resources and certain insurance expenses.



Credit concentrations are considered to exist when there are amounts outstanding
from a single customer or a number of customers with similar characteristics
which would cause their ability to meet contractual obligations to be similarly
impaired by economic or other conditions.  As of May 31, 1996, approximately 60%
of total accounts receivable were due from two state and local government
customers.  Furthermore, 90% of costs and estimated earnings in excess of
billings on uncompleted contracts were due from three state and local government

For the year ended May 31, 1996, 60% of the Company's revenues were from three
customers of which 51% related to two state and local government customers.

The Company is subject to certain risks and uncertainties including changes in
technology and competition.


The Company maintains an operating lease for its facility.  The future minimum
lease commitments under this noncancelable operating lease is $8,364 through
fiscal year 1997.  The Company's rental expense for this operating lease was
$100,013 for the year ended May 31, 1996.

In March 1995, the Company entered into a joint venture (JV) with KUB Holdings
BHD, a Malaysian firm.  The JV was created for the purpose of manufacturing,
marketing and selling the TIS 4000 System in certain Asian countries.  The
Company made a $400,000 initial contribution to the JV for 11.4% interest.  In
connection with the formation of the JV, the Company sold the software licensing
and marketing rights of its TIS 4000 technology to the JV for $2,500,000.  This
sale was recorded net of $575,000 in transaction costs.  As of May 31, 1995, the
Company had deferred approximately $1,829,000 of the sale of the TIS 4000
technology, which is being recognized as revenue over a 60-month period; the
$400,000 JV contribution was charged to operations.

If the joint venture requires funding, then the Company may be required to
contribute in accordance with the agreed proportions as defined in the
agreement.  Currently, no additional funding requirements are expected to be
made by the Company.

The JV requires the Company to operate as a going concern and provide support
services to the joint venture at market rates.  If the Company does not meet the
requirement discussed above, then it could be required to refund a portion of
the selling price as defined in the agreement.  The Company is not aware of any
violations of the requirements defined in the agreement nor does it anticipate
any violations.


Effective as of the close of business on September 30, 1996, the Hathaway
Corporation acquired the Company.  The ownership interests were acquired for a
negotiated price of $1,301,000, of which $718,000 was paid in cash at closing on
October 10, 1996, $400,000 payable in a 10% note due June 30, 1997 and $183,000
payable when certain accounts receivable for the Company are collected.

                             HATHAWAY CORPORATION

The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements have
been prepared from the historical consolidated financial statements of Hathaway
Corporation (the Company).  The "TIS Acquisition" column in the following
unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements reflects the
historical combined financial statements of Tate Integrated Systems, L.P. and
its sole general partner, Tate Integrated Systems, Inc. (collectively referred
to as "TIS").

The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements have been
adjusted to reflect the TIS Acquisition under the terms described in Item 2 of
Form 8-K dated October 10, 1996, previously filed by the Company and
incorporated herein by reference.

The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements assume that the
TIS Acquisition occurred as of July 1, 1995 for the unaudited pro forma
condensed combined statement of operations and as of June 30, 1996 for the
unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet.

Due to the different fiscal year ends of the Company and TIS, the operating
results of TIS for the year ended May 31, 1996 are included in the unaudited pro
forma condensed combined financial statement of operations for the year ended
June 30, 1996.

The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements should be read
in conjunction with the Company's historical consolidated financial statements
and related notes to such statements in the June 30, 1996 Annual Report on Form
10-K and the September 30, 1996 Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, both previously
filed by the Company; and Tate Integrated Systems, Inc. historical combined
financial statements and notes thereto included herein.  The unaudited pro forma
condensed combined financial statements are not necessarily indicative of the
financial position or results of operations had the TIS Acquisition occurred on
the indicated dates nor do they purport to indicate the results of future
operations of the Company.

The pro forma financial information has been prepared by the Company and all
calculations have been made based upon assumptions deemed appropriate by the
Company.  In the opinion of management, all adjustments necessary to present
fairly the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements have been

                             HATHAWAY CORPORATION
                           YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1996
Hathaway Pro Forma Hathaway Corporation TIS Acquisition Corporation as Reported Acquisition Adjustments Pro Forma ---------------------------------------------------------------- REVENUES $35,411 $4,905 $(300) (a) $40,016 OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES: Cost of products sold 21,926 3,952 (56) (b) 25,822 Selling 6,269 492 6,761 General and administrative 4,680 415 (122) (c) 4,973 Engineering and development 3,722 3,722 Other 553 553 --------------------------------------------- --------------- Total operating costs and expenses 37,150 4,859 (178) 41,831 --------------------------------------------- --------------- Operating loss (1,739) 46 (122) (1,815) OTHER INCOME (EXPENSES): Interest and dividend income 325 (14) (d) 311 Interest expense (194) (292) 292 (d) (194) Other income (expenses), net 210 (3) 3 (c) 210 --------------------------------------------- --------------- Total other income (expenses) 341 (295) 281 327 --------------------------------------------- --------------- Loss before income taxes (1,398) (249) 159 (1,488) Benefit for income taxes 385 31 (e) 416 --------------------------------------------- -------------- Net loss $(1,013) $ (249) $ 190 $(1,072) ============================================= ============== PER SHARE AMOUNTS: Primary and fully diluted net loss per share $(0.25) ============== Shares used in computing primary per share amounts 4,271 ============== Shares used in computing fully diluted per share amounts 4,309 ==============
HATHAWAY CORPORATION -------------------- PRO FORMA CONDENSED COMBINED BALANCE SHEET ------------------------------------------ JUNE 30, 1996 (IN THOUSANDS) (UNAUDITED)
Hathaway Pro Forma Hathaway Corporation TIS Acquisition Corporation as Reported Acquisition Adjustments Pro Forma ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,237 $ 4 $ (718) (f) $ 4,523 Marketable securities 201 -- 201 Trade receivables, net 6,293 1,240 7,533 Costs and earnings in excess of 1,076 (1,076) (h) -- billings 4,972 -- 930 (h) 5,902 Inventories, net 1,750 67 1,817 Prepaid expenses and other ----------------------------------------------- --------------- Total current assets 18,453 2,387 (864) 19,976 Property and equipment, net 1,727 70 (70) (i) 1,727 Other 959 -- 959 ----------------------------------------------- --------------- Total assets 21,139 2,457 (934) 22,662 =============================================== =============== LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' INVESTMENT CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable 1,309 482 1,791 Accrued liabilities 3,771 278 763 (f),(g) 4,812 Current portion of deferred revenue -- 603 (603) (k) -- Related party advances -- 3,643 (3,643) (j) -- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------- Total current liabilities 5,080 5,006 (3,483) 6,603 Long-term debt 1,777 -- 1,777 Deferred revenue -- 1,059 (1,059) (k) -- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------- Total liabilities 6,857 6,065 (4,542) 8,380 STOCKHOLDERS' INVESTMENT (DEFICIT) Common stock 100 100 Additional paid-in capital 9,712 1 (1) (j) 9,712 Retained earnings (accumulated 8,247 (3,609) 3,609 (j) 8,247 deficit) (3,705) (3,705) Treasury stock (72) (72) Other ----------------------------------------------- --------------- Total stockholders' investment (deficit) 14,282 (3,608) 3,608 14,282 ----------------------------------------------- --------------- Total liabilities and stockholders' investment (deficit) $21,139 $ 2,457 $ (934) $22,662 =============================================== ===============
HATHAWAY CORPORATION -------------------- NOTES TO PRO FORMA CONDENSED COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- (UNAUDITED) PRO FORMA STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS - ---------------------------------- (a) This adjustment reflects the reversal of amortization of deferred revenue recorded by TIS, as deferred revenue was valued at zero in the purchase price allocation at the beginning of the period. (b) This adjustment reflects the reversal of depreciation expense recorded by TIS, as the value of property, plant and equipment at the beginning of the period was reduced to zero as a result of the purchase price allocation. (c) This adjustment represents the reversal of certain corporate allocations from the former parent company that would not have been incurred by TIS under the Company's corporate allocation policy. (d) The Company would have financed the working capital needs of TIS with cash and equivalents, rather than debt. Accordingly, the TIS interest expense incurred on intercompany debt is eliminated. The adjustment to interest income represents lost interest income on funds that would have been used to finance the fiscal 1996 working capital needs of TIS. (e) The adjustment reflects the tax effect of including TIS in the consolidated tax provision of the Company. HATHAWAY CORPORATION -------------------- NOTES TO PRO FORMA CONDENSED COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- (CONTINUED) (UNAUDITED) PRO FORMA BALANCE SHEET - ----------------------- (f) This entry adjusts assets and liabilities for the effect of the purchase price, as follows (in thousands): Cash 718 Notes payable - current 583 ----- 1,301 ===== (g) This entry adjusts for the liabilities incurred in connection with the acquisition (in thousands): Notes payable - current 583 Accrued audit, legal and other costs 180 ---- 763 ==== (h) The value of costs and earnings in excess of billings is reduced to actual costs incurred as a result of the purchase price allocation. (i) The value of long-term assets is reduced to zero as a result of the purchase price allocation. (j) The TIS equity balances and intercompany debt are reduced to zero in connection with the acquisition. (k) The obligations of TIS relating to customer service agreements have been provided for under accrued liabilities in the purchase price allocation; accordingly, deferred revenue balances are reduced to zero.